Thursday, August 20, 2009
How to upload games
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Wednesday, August 19, 2009
तुमच्यासाठी काही खेळ
नाम शिकविताना अन्ताक्षरिचा वापर करता येतो- एखाद्या विद्यार्थिने दिलेल्या नामाच्या शेवटच्या अक्षरावरून पुढच्याने नाम बनवावे
सापशिडिचा वापर करून स्वच्छता शिकवू शकतो- उदा: परिसर स्वच्छ ठेवला असे ज्या चौकोनावर असेल तेथून शिडी दाखवून वर न्यावे तर ज्यावर असे लिहिले असेल की प्लास्टिकचा वापर केला तेथून साप दाखवून खाली आणावे-
तुमच्या कल्पना त्वरित पाठवा -
सूचना : आधी मेंबर व्हावे - साइन करून न्यू पोस्ट कड़े या- टाइटल दया-मराठीसाठी edit html वापरा- टाइप करताना इंग्लिशचा वापर करने- जसे नाम टाइप करायचे असेल तर naam असे लिहा- आहे साठी aahe-
सापशिडिचा वापर करून स्वच्छता शिकवू शकतो- उदा: परिसर स्वच्छ ठेवला असे ज्या चौकोनावर असेल तेथून शिडी दाखवून वर न्यावे तर ज्यावर असे लिहिले असेल की प्लास्टिकचा वापर केला तेथून साप दाखवून खाली आणावे-
तुमच्या कल्पना त्वरित पाठवा -
सूचना : आधी मेंबर व्हावे - साइन करून न्यू पोस्ट कड़े या- टाइटल दया-मराठीसाठी edit html वापरा- टाइप करताना इंग्लिशचा वापर करने- जसे नाम टाइप करायचे असेल तर naam असे लिहा- आहे साठी aahe-
Monday, August 17, 2009
games for your classroom
Hi everyone,
I have posted some games on this blog. You may use them for your lessons. Please add your own games to the list. Don't forget to add your name. all the best ... Ms. Cynthia
Game No 1: Where are you? Subject : all subjects (By Ms. Cynthia)
This game is useful for revision in any subject.
Prepare a list of questions answered in one or two words. Write the question on one slip at the top but write its answer on some other slip . Write the answer at the bottom of the slip. When the game is to be used distribute the slips at random to the whole class. One student calls out his question .For example “ 34+45 where are you?” . The student who has the answer 79 on his slip says “ 34 + 45 = 79 I am here . 3x4 where are you?” That is he has read the question on his own slip and so the game continues . This is a game that can be used for all subjects.
Game No 2: Salute: Subject :Mathematics (By Ms. Cynthia)
For this game we need two students to come in front of the class. They have a pack of cards each. The pack must not contain face cards as queen , jack etc. The teacher says “Salute” . The students have to pick any card and hold it at their head as if saluting . Now the class multiplies the two numbers and gives that number so that the students in front have to guess the correct value of their cads .For eg if the cards are 3 and 8 , we say “24” The students have to guess as “ Is it 8? “Is it 4?” and so on till they are correct . The game is useful to introduce the concept of ‘Factors’ .It may also be used for subtraction and addition . It helps in developing skills of calculation.
Game No 3: Oh deer! Subject :Environment--Describe the fundamental necessities of animals: food,water, shelter and space in a suitable arrangement. --Demonstrate to students that without these essentialcomponents, animals cannot survive. Do this by playing "OhDeer!" --Have students count off in fours, with all those sharingthe same number gathering in certain corners of theclassroom. (This game is best played outdoors but may beadapted to inside play.) --Mark off two parallel lines on the playground or floorthat are about ten to twenty yards apart. --Have all the "ones" behind one line and all the restbehind the other line. The "ones" will become the deer. --The other students will become the components of habitat:food, water, shelter and space. --When a deer is looking for food, it should clamp its handsover its stomach. When it's looking for water, it puts itshands over its mouth. When it is looking for shelter, itholds its hands together over its head. When it is lookingfor space, it should hold its arms straight out at itssides. A deer can choose to look for any of these needsduring each round, but it cannot change what it is lookingfor in that round. It can change in the next round if itsurvives. --The students who are the components of habitat may choosewhich they will be at the beginning of each round. Theywill depict that component in the same manner as the deer. --The game starts with all players lined up on theirrespective lines and with their backs to the students at theother side. The teacher asks all students to pick theirsign. When they are ready, count: "One...two...three." Atthe count of three, the students turn and face each othershowing their signs. --The deer run to the habitat component they are looking forand take that component back to the deer side of the line.(This represents the deer's successfully meeting its needsand reproducing as a result.) Any deer that fails to findthe component it was seeking dies and becomes part of thehabitat, joining the students on the habitat side. --The teacher keeps track of the number of deer at thebeginning and ending of each round. Continue play forfifteen rounds. --At the end of fifteen rounds discuss the activity;encouraging the students to talk about what they experiencedand saw. The herd grows in the beginning, then some mustdie as the habitat is depleted. This fluctuation is anatural process unless factors which limit population becomeexcessive. --Discuss what excessive limiting factors are: drought,fires, deforestation, uncontrolled hunting.
Game No 4 : Snakes and ladders Subject: Civics or Science (By Ms. Cynthia)
This is the well known game adapted to class room situation. Make a snake and ladder board but with phrases as “ You ate carrots and got Vitamin A Go ten points ahead” or “ You ate road side food . Miss a turn” . Thus this game can be used to teach hygiene , balanced diet in Science or duties of an Indian citizen in Civics.
Game No 5 Housie: (By Ms. Cynthia)
Distribute normal housie tickets , but while calling out the numbers instead of saying “three and two--- thirty two” give a mathematical clue “ two raised to the power of five or sixteen times two” . The game may be played in other subjects as well . The teacher should prepare cards with words that are the answers to certain questions and read the question ..if the answer exists on a card the student crosses the word .Prizes may be allotted as in the normal housie game. Can be used for any subject as a recapitulation exercise
Game No 6 : Who am I? (By Ms. Cynthia)
Have a word attached to a cap. Put the cap on a students head so that he does not see the word. Let the whole class give him appropriate clues as “ This is the country of the longest river” “It is the place where pyramids are.’ Let as many clues be given and then the student guesses the word . Avoid guessing at first clue because the aim is to encourage as many clues as possible.
Game No 7 : Donkey donkey (By Ms. Cynthia)
Prepare cards with words that belong to a certain concept .Eg names of vertebrates . One card has one word. Distribute the cards among the students such that each gets an equal number not less than four or five. The teacher calls out “Mammals” If a student has a card with the name of a mammal he must drop it . Only one card to be dropped at a time. Any student dropping a wrong card has to pick up the whole lot of cards. The aim is to relieve yourself of cards as soon as possible . The game may be used for any subject involving classification eg Parts of speech , types of nouns etc
Game No 8:Match making (By Ms. Cynthia) :Distribute cards as in the above game . A student is to pull any card from his left hand neighbour and try to pair it with the cards he has . A pair made is to be dropped down . Eg Shark can be paired with eel as both are fishes. Try to complete pairs and relieve yourself of cards.
Game No 9 : Treasure hunt (By Ms. Cynthia)
Prepare a chart or use items scattered all over with clues that lead top the next item .Arrange in such a manner that at each spot the students learn something . For eg : for a lesson on types of plant habitat. Clue No 1 … Go to the lotus and find a clue attached to the part of the plant that floats on water. The clue will be placed on the leaf and will say “ First feel my surface and answer why the surface is waxy. Confirm your answer from the teacher and then go to the Vallisneria plant for the next clue “ If this part of my plant body was heavy I would have sunk down … In my friends who grow on land this part has to be really strong for anchorage… Which part of my body are we talking of ?” Thus the clues are in the form of riddles or activities and they lead to studying about adaptations in plants.
Game No 10 : Sets Algebra
A statue of Goddess Setonica has been stolen from a museum , you will be a detective . Go to the spot marked A . This was where the statue was. Pick up all the items lying there and name them aloud . The teacher will write them on the board. The articles are apple , banana, mango , orange and a cigarette stub . Which of these does not fit into the group ? The students recognize it is the cigarette stub … From this arrive at the definition of a set. A set is a collection of objects with some commonness eg ‘As et of fruits’ The teacher then shows a chit found at the spot of the robbery . The chit says “ at the entrance of the room..” students got to the entrance and find a box containing a set of colours . Students should read out the colours . Keep two slips of any one colour . the remaining slips are single . so when the students read out the colours and repeat one colour the teacher tells them that in a set we do not repeat an element. She writes the set of colours on the board. At the back of one of the slips the same set is written in the roster form i. e
A = { a : a is a colour} The student writes that on the board and the teacher tells them that these are two styles of writing a set. On the back of the other slips are certain numbers . The students realize there is some common property among them For eg the numbers are 36 , 16 , 25 , 49 , 1 . Do they form a set . write the set on the board in listing and roster form . Now check the boxes on the table labeled 74 , 22, 100 and 34 . Which of these boxes is likely to be a member of the set just described ? Naturally 100 as it is a square. Look into the box for something you been searching for …. The students lift the box to find the statue of goddess Setonica. During the game they have learnt the concept of set , methods of writing a set and deciding if an element may or may not be part of a set.
Game No 11 : Going on a trip … Geography (By Ms. Cynthia)
Spread a number of items of clothing , maps , plants ,currencies, pictures or miniatures of animals etc on the floor or a table . Let students pick up chits which are tickets to certain destinations . At the blow of a whistle they start to pick up whatever they will need to reach the place . The right map , clothes and currency. They must show it to the teacher . If a wrong item is picked they have to go and place it back. When the teacher says okay to the chosen items they go back and bring the plants , animals souvenirs in form of post cards etc from the place they have visited.
Game No 12 : Dressing up Johnny Geography (By Ms. Cynthia)
Distribute the class into groups . Each group picks their ‘Johnny’ . Each Johnny picks a chit . According to the place mentioned on the chit the group starts dressing up Johnny eg .. Arabia … Dress Johnny in white clothes. For Greenland .. he will need warm clothes. This game is for a recapitulation of all natural regions .It may be further developed by helping Johnny pack his tiffin etc.. where things grown in that locality should be included in the tiffin.
Game No 13 : Visiting the doctor (By Ms. Cynthia)
Divide the class in groups . Let one child be a patient . Give him a slip of paper to read his ailments eg “Doctor .. I feel very tired . My lips are pale . I fainted thrice in the last week” The group discusses what his problem is , tells him the problem with its causes and picks up items of food that he must eat. In this case it is anemia and the group must give him apple , leafy vegetables etc. Keep the pictures or actual items of food in a particular place.
Game No 14 : Number line game (By Ms. Cynthia)
Have students stand in a line to represent the number line ranging from say -10 to 10. Have other students pick a chit with a number on each chit . At the start of music all students that is except those forming the number line move . At the stop of the music they pair up with any other student . Add their numbers and stand behind the correct student on the number line. For the next round those who were the number line are now to play .
Game no 15 : Adjectives of quality (By Ms. Cynthia)
Have a paper attached to each students back . Let them move within the group and let their peers write words to describe them . Using these the teacher can introduce adjectives of quality.
Game no 16 : Fractions (By Ms. Cynthia)
The first one third of yak + the first two third of out . The next word is the last three fourth of care. The last word is the first one third of ground + the first half of eatery. Form your message.
Game no 17 : For teaching H.C.F (By Ms. Cynthia)
Have nos from 1 to say 50 written on slips . Have about 4 to 5 of such sets. Students pick a number each and collect its multiples . At the blow of a whistle pair up with any friend and compare your multiples . Pick the common ones and then find the highest for HCF. Have as many rounds of pairing so that each new pair helps the class to find the HCF for different pairs.
Game No 18: Musical chairs (By Ms. Cynthia)
Have some chairs. Put one noun on each chair. Let participants move to the music. When the music stops call out one type of noun eg Proper noun. Students have to quickly sit only on the chair with a proper noun. Those who sit on a wrong chair or are without chairs are out. Keep changing the type of noun you call out. You can also change the nouns put on the chairs.
I have posted some games on this blog. You may use them for your lessons. Please add your own games to the list. Don't forget to add your name. all the best ... Ms. Cynthia
Game No 1: Where are you? Subject : all subjects (By Ms. Cynthia)
This game is useful for revision in any subject.
Prepare a list of questions answered in one or two words. Write the question on one slip at the top but write its answer on some other slip . Write the answer at the bottom of the slip. When the game is to be used distribute the slips at random to the whole class. One student calls out his question .For example “ 34+45 where are you?” . The student who has the answer 79 on his slip says “ 34 + 45 = 79 I am here . 3x4 where are you?” That is he has read the question on his own slip and so the game continues . This is a game that can be used for all subjects.
Game No 2: Salute: Subject :Mathematics (By Ms. Cynthia)
For this game we need two students to come in front of the class. They have a pack of cards each. The pack must not contain face cards as queen , jack etc. The teacher says “Salute” . The students have to pick any card and hold it at their head as if saluting . Now the class multiplies the two numbers and gives that number so that the students in front have to guess the correct value of their cads .For eg if the cards are 3 and 8 , we say “24” The students have to guess as “ Is it 8? “Is it 4?” and so on till they are correct . The game is useful to introduce the concept of ‘Factors’ .It may also be used for subtraction and addition . It helps in developing skills of calculation.
Game No 3: Oh deer! Subject :Environment--Describe the fundamental necessities of animals: food,water, shelter and space in a suitable arrangement. --Demonstrate to students that without these essentialcomponents, animals cannot survive. Do this by playing "OhDeer!" --Have students count off in fours, with all those sharingthe same number gathering in certain corners of theclassroom. (This game is best played outdoors but may beadapted to inside play.) --Mark off two parallel lines on the playground or floorthat are about ten to twenty yards apart. --Have all the "ones" behind one line and all the restbehind the other line. The "ones" will become the deer. --The other students will become the components of habitat:food, water, shelter and space. --When a deer is looking for food, it should clamp its handsover its stomach. When it's looking for water, it puts itshands over its mouth. When it is looking for shelter, itholds its hands together over its head. When it is lookingfor space, it should hold its arms straight out at itssides. A deer can choose to look for any of these needsduring each round, but it cannot change what it is lookingfor in that round. It can change in the next round if itsurvives. --The students who are the components of habitat may choosewhich they will be at the beginning of each round. Theywill depict that component in the same manner as the deer. --The game starts with all players lined up on theirrespective lines and with their backs to the students at theother side. The teacher asks all students to pick theirsign. When they are ready, count: "One...two...three." Atthe count of three, the students turn and face each othershowing their signs. --The deer run to the habitat component they are looking forand take that component back to the deer side of the line.(This represents the deer's successfully meeting its needsand reproducing as a result.) Any deer that fails to findthe component it was seeking dies and becomes part of thehabitat, joining the students on the habitat side. --The teacher keeps track of the number of deer at thebeginning and ending of each round. Continue play forfifteen rounds. --At the end of fifteen rounds discuss the activity;encouraging the students to talk about what they experiencedand saw. The herd grows in the beginning, then some mustdie as the habitat is depleted. This fluctuation is anatural process unless factors which limit population becomeexcessive. --Discuss what excessive limiting factors are: drought,fires, deforestation, uncontrolled hunting.
Game No 4 : Snakes and ladders Subject: Civics or Science (By Ms. Cynthia)
This is the well known game adapted to class room situation. Make a snake and ladder board but with phrases as “ You ate carrots and got Vitamin A Go ten points ahead” or “ You ate road side food . Miss a turn” . Thus this game can be used to teach hygiene , balanced diet in Science or duties of an Indian citizen in Civics.
Game No 5 Housie: (By Ms. Cynthia)
Distribute normal housie tickets , but while calling out the numbers instead of saying “three and two--- thirty two” give a mathematical clue “ two raised to the power of five or sixteen times two” . The game may be played in other subjects as well . The teacher should prepare cards with words that are the answers to certain questions and read the question ..if the answer exists on a card the student crosses the word .Prizes may be allotted as in the normal housie game. Can be used for any subject as a recapitulation exercise
Game No 6 : Who am I? (By Ms. Cynthia)
Have a word attached to a cap. Put the cap on a students head so that he does not see the word. Let the whole class give him appropriate clues as “ This is the country of the longest river” “It is the place where pyramids are.’ Let as many clues be given and then the student guesses the word . Avoid guessing at first clue because the aim is to encourage as many clues as possible.
Game No 7 : Donkey donkey (By Ms. Cynthia)
Prepare cards with words that belong to a certain concept .Eg names of vertebrates . One card has one word. Distribute the cards among the students such that each gets an equal number not less than four or five. The teacher calls out “Mammals” If a student has a card with the name of a mammal he must drop it . Only one card to be dropped at a time. Any student dropping a wrong card has to pick up the whole lot of cards. The aim is to relieve yourself of cards as soon as possible . The game may be used for any subject involving classification eg Parts of speech , types of nouns etc
Game No 8:Match making (By Ms. Cynthia) :Distribute cards as in the above game . A student is to pull any card from his left hand neighbour and try to pair it with the cards he has . A pair made is to be dropped down . Eg Shark can be paired with eel as both are fishes. Try to complete pairs and relieve yourself of cards.
Game No 9 : Treasure hunt (By Ms. Cynthia)
Prepare a chart or use items scattered all over with clues that lead top the next item .Arrange in such a manner that at each spot the students learn something . For eg : for a lesson on types of plant habitat. Clue No 1 … Go to the lotus and find a clue attached to the part of the plant that floats on water. The clue will be placed on the leaf and will say “ First feel my surface and answer why the surface is waxy. Confirm your answer from the teacher and then go to the Vallisneria plant for the next clue “ If this part of my plant body was heavy I would have sunk down … In my friends who grow on land this part has to be really strong for anchorage… Which part of my body are we talking of ?” Thus the clues are in the form of riddles or activities and they lead to studying about adaptations in plants.
Game No 10 : Sets Algebra
A statue of Goddess Setonica has been stolen from a museum , you will be a detective . Go to the spot marked A . This was where the statue was. Pick up all the items lying there and name them aloud . The teacher will write them on the board. The articles are apple , banana, mango , orange and a cigarette stub . Which of these does not fit into the group ? The students recognize it is the cigarette stub … From this arrive at the definition of a set. A set is a collection of objects with some commonness eg ‘As et of fruits’ The teacher then shows a chit found at the spot of the robbery . The chit says “ at the entrance of the room..” students got to the entrance and find a box containing a set of colours . Students should read out the colours . Keep two slips of any one colour . the remaining slips are single . so when the students read out the colours and repeat one colour the teacher tells them that in a set we do not repeat an element. She writes the set of colours on the board. At the back of one of the slips the same set is written in the roster form i. e
A = { a : a is a colour} The student writes that on the board and the teacher tells them that these are two styles of writing a set. On the back of the other slips are certain numbers . The students realize there is some common property among them For eg the numbers are 36 , 16 , 25 , 49 , 1 . Do they form a set . write the set on the board in listing and roster form . Now check the boxes on the table labeled 74 , 22, 100 and 34 . Which of these boxes is likely to be a member of the set just described ? Naturally 100 as it is a square. Look into the box for something you been searching for …. The students lift the box to find the statue of goddess Setonica. During the game they have learnt the concept of set , methods of writing a set and deciding if an element may or may not be part of a set.
Game No 11 : Going on a trip … Geography (By Ms. Cynthia)
Spread a number of items of clothing , maps , plants ,currencies, pictures or miniatures of animals etc on the floor or a table . Let students pick up chits which are tickets to certain destinations . At the blow of a whistle they start to pick up whatever they will need to reach the place . The right map , clothes and currency. They must show it to the teacher . If a wrong item is picked they have to go and place it back. When the teacher says okay to the chosen items they go back and bring the plants , animals souvenirs in form of post cards etc from the place they have visited.
Game No 12 : Dressing up Johnny Geography (By Ms. Cynthia)
Distribute the class into groups . Each group picks their ‘Johnny’ . Each Johnny picks a chit . According to the place mentioned on the chit the group starts dressing up Johnny eg .. Arabia … Dress Johnny in white clothes. For Greenland .. he will need warm clothes. This game is for a recapitulation of all natural regions .It may be further developed by helping Johnny pack his tiffin etc.. where things grown in that locality should be included in the tiffin.
Game No 13 : Visiting the doctor (By Ms. Cynthia)
Divide the class in groups . Let one child be a patient . Give him a slip of paper to read his ailments eg “Doctor .. I feel very tired . My lips are pale . I fainted thrice in the last week” The group discusses what his problem is , tells him the problem with its causes and picks up items of food that he must eat. In this case it is anemia and the group must give him apple , leafy vegetables etc. Keep the pictures or actual items of food in a particular place.
Game No 14 : Number line game (By Ms. Cynthia)
Have students stand in a line to represent the number line ranging from say -10 to 10. Have other students pick a chit with a number on each chit . At the start of music all students that is except those forming the number line move . At the stop of the music they pair up with any other student . Add their numbers and stand behind the correct student on the number line. For the next round those who were the number line are now to play .
Game no 15 : Adjectives of quality (By Ms. Cynthia)
Have a paper attached to each students back . Let them move within the group and let their peers write words to describe them . Using these the teacher can introduce adjectives of quality.
Game no 16 : Fractions (By Ms. Cynthia)
The first one third of yak + the first two third of out . The next word is the last three fourth of care. The last word is the first one third of ground + the first half of eatery. Form your message.
Game no 17 : For teaching H.C.F (By Ms. Cynthia)
Have nos from 1 to say 50 written on slips . Have about 4 to 5 of such sets. Students pick a number each and collect its multiples . At the blow of a whistle pair up with any friend and compare your multiples . Pick the common ones and then find the highest for HCF. Have as many rounds of pairing so that each new pair helps the class to find the HCF for different pairs.
Game No 18: Musical chairs (By Ms. Cynthia)
Have some chairs. Put one noun on each chair. Let participants move to the music. When the music stops call out one type of noun eg Proper noun. Students have to quickly sit only on the chair with a proper noun. Those who sit on a wrong chair or are without chairs are out. Keep changing the type of noun you call out. You can also change the nouns put on the chairs.
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